2025 Festival Dates
Speech & Drama Festival
Saturday 22nd March
Closing dates for entries:
Saturday 1st February
Music Festival
Saturday 10th May
Closing dates for entries:
Friday 14th March
About the Festival
With a history stretching back nearly a century, the festival provides a great opportunity for amateurs of all ages to perform and compete with others of a similar standard. A wide variety of instruments and performance styles are catered for, with classes aimed at all ages and abilities, groups and solo players. All participants will receive helpful feedback from our distinguished adjudicators.
Over the decades many former competitors have gone on to enjoy successful careers in music, and it is hoped that their participation in the festival has helped them in some small part in achieving those endeavours. Above all, though, we hope that everyone who enters will find it a fulfilling, educational and joyful experience.
CFPA is a member of Making Music and is associated with Chester Music Society.

“I think the students got a lot from the feedback that the adjudicator gave. It was lovely to have more of an audience in the last couple of classes. Hopefully there will be more choirs next year.”
Ellesmere College
“We really enjoyed yesterday and thought the adjudication was very helpful… We will definitely be back next year!”
Dee Ensemble
“What a wonderful day you created … we really enjoyed the day that competing created for us … a great opportunity for sharing our joy of music and team building.”
Accord Gospel Choir
“I certainly enjoyed my day of adjudicating … the standard was good with one or two choirs … singing quite advanced choral repertoire. The stewards and festival staff were always helpful and professional, and I hope the event will continue to flourish in the future.”
Choral Section Adjudicator Brian Hughes
“Yes, we finally made it, and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We very much appreciated both Matt Baker’s lively and helpful adjudication, and the efficient organisation of the day. I’m sure we will look forward to participating again next year – do please keep us on your mailing list!”
Blackburn Community Choir
“We all think you are great! Such a lot of work for you, and a shame that more musicians/singers/choirs … don’t take part in the competition.”
Mountain Harmony Ladies Choir
Support Us
CFPA depends entirely on the time and effort of volunteers, the generosity of supporters, entry fees and box office takings. Any donations, however small, help keep the organisation financially viable and are most gratefully received. If you would like to make a contribution, perhaps even to sponsor a prize for one of our classes, please do get in touch with the Honorary Treasurer, Mrs Lynn Moyes: lynnmoyes67@hotmail.com.
At the events themselves we rely on volunteers to act as room stewards and in various other roles. If you would be interested in helping out on the day, we'd love to hear from you.